Mar and Heather

Started at Rodeph Sholom School in: Twos and Pre-K

Class year(s): 2033 and 2029

About our family: We are a super warm, close-knit family with multi-faith (Jewish and Catholic) and bi-national/bilingual (US and Spain) backgrounds, whose lives are continually enriched by treasured grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins, and beloved cultural traditions on both sides of the Atlantic. We’re raising our children Jewish and hope to provide them a strong foundation, grounded in the values and commitment to community and social justice that are hallmarks of our heritage. And we’re a same-sex couple — moms whose greatest goal is to raise our two kids to be good people who care about each other and the world, and whose interactions with others exemplify the phrase on our daughter’s favorite t-shirt: “Love is love.” (It’s cuter than that, actually… our two-year-old sees the word “love” anywhere and automatically chirps the whole mantra “love is love”… one day, the world may see the same three words in those four letters!)

Favorite Rodeph Sholom School moment: There have been many wonderful moments in our brief tenure at Rodeph Sholom… but if we have to choose one, it would be experiencing the All Pre-K Kabbalat Shabbat, with Louie playing guitar, the kids singing along and then saying the blessings together. The kids’ and teachers’ joy is palpable!