Since its inception in 1970, Rodeph Sholom School has been proud to have a strong culture of philanthropy. Our teachers and staff are invaluable in guiding our students through their early lives and adolescence, and our families and friends offer tremendous support, year after year, to make that work possible and to help our programs thrive.

The Annual Fund, which is built into the school’s operating budget, is an annual initiative that supports all programs and operating costs incurred throughout the school year. We simply could not offer the exemplary level of program that we do without this annual support.
In addition, our school completed an $11.5 million campaign, People, Place, Purpose: The Campaign for Rodeph Sholom School, a major fundraising effort and the school’s largest. We invite all members of the community to join us in supporting the campaign and to help us honor 50 plus years of educational excellence, paving the way for future generations.
We invite all members of our community to participate in the Annual Fund – no matter the amount, your participation sets a tradition of giving and supports the next generation of Rodeph Sholom School students.

“We contribute to the Annual Fund because we believe in the community at Rodeph Sholom School.
We feel confident every gift, big or small, makes a difference in helping better the academic and moral value for our children. We are proud to be part of such a special community.”
-Beth and Zachary Solomon P ’24,’25, ’30
“I am so proud of the warm, enriching and nurturing environment that each of my daughters, Rachel Beaton, Learning Specialist, and Elizabeth Shaw, Elementary Division Librarian, contribute to the faculty at Rodeph Sholom School. I am four fold blessed because my grandsons, Leo ’27, and Seth ’29, are enriched day by day, year after year in this wonderful environment.
Each time I participate in a school wide event, be it a virtual art exhibit or a Kabbalat Shabbat, I honestly ask myself, “I wonder what I did to get so lucky as to be a parent and a grandparent at Rodeph Sholom School!”
-Marilyn Shaw GP ’27, ’29

Annual Fund
The Annual Fund, which is built into the school’s operating budget, is an annual initiative that supports all programs and operating costs incurred throughout the school year. We simply could not offer the exemplary level of program that we do without this annual support.
Rodeph Sholom School’s operating budget relies on contributions to the Annual Fund. Your gift has a direct impact on all aspects of school life, including teacher salaries, library books, science equipment, and keeping our buildings and students safe. Your commitment to the Annual Fund allows our school to raise and educate strong, confident, Jewish leaders ready to face a complex world.
$1,030, 851.10
We appreciate and thank all individuals, foundations and corporations that made unrestricted gifts to the Annual Fund between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
Parent Giving Levels
$36,000 to $53,999
$18,000 to $35,999
$10,000 to $17,999
$5,400 to $9,999
$3,600 to $5,399
$1,800 to $3,599
$1,000 to $1,799
$1 to $999
Leadership Giving begins at $10,000.
All gifts are appreciated and help us reach our goal.
Twos and Threes
Once the school year begins we will share all the unique ways for parents to volunteer their time during the year.
Pre-K and Kindergarten
Once the school year begins we will share all the unique ways for parents to volunteer their time during the year.
1st Grade through 8th Grade
Once the school year begins we will share all the unique ways for parents to volunteer their time during the year.
People, Place, Purpose: The Campaign for Rodeph Sholom School
Our largest fundraising effort to date, People, Place, Purpose: The Campaign for Rodeph Sholom School, has completed its $11,500,000 goal. The goal is twofold: to secure a stronger endowment and to provide physical environments appropriate for each division.
We are grateful to the UJA-Federation of New York that launched a Day School Challenge in 2016. With their encouragement and support, we have raised $7,500,000 to augment our endowment.*
Thanks to work completed in 2017, we unified our divisions by moving 1st Grade to 79th Street, moving our Threes program to 84th Street, and created dedicated play spaces for each division. We have raised close to $3 million of the $4 million needed for these improvements.
* In accordance with the UJA-Federation of New York, the school publicly recognizes and supports the State of Israel through the adoption of the following official statement: “The creation of the State of Israel is one of the seminal events in Jewish history. Recognizing the significance of the State and its national institutions, we seek to instill in our students an attachment to the State of Israel and its people as well as a sense of responsibility for their welfare.”

Volunteer for the Annual Fund
Each year, parents volunteer their time as Annual Fund supporters. Our parent volunteers reach out to all members of our community to thank them for their past support, answer questions about the Annual Fund, and help donors understand the impact of their donations. To learn more about how you can volunteer for the Annual Fund, please contact Talia Levine, Associate Director of Development, at (646) 438-8661.
Your participation sets a tradition of giving and supports the next generation of Rodeph Sholom School students while it positively impacts every current student, every day. Thank you!