We are lucky at Rodeph Sholom School to have such easy access to Central Park, and many classes take advantage of this opportunity numerous times throughout the year. One such class is 5th Grade science, which has turned our city students into budding ornithologists!

5th graders spent the fall learning about the classification of organisms, dichotomous keys, and field guides that are used to observe and identify species of birds that live and migrate over NYC. Central Park happens to be one of the best birding destinations in the world. According to the Central Park Conservancy, the park welcomes more than 210 bird species every year.
The students were eager to embark on their frequent trips to various locations in Central Park, including Sparrow Rock, to spend a class period bird watching.
During these trips, students could be seen quietly peering through binoculars, whispering excitedly to their peers so as not to scare the birds they were discussing, and drawing their observations in field notebooks they made themselves. Applying their newfound expert knowledge, they have observed Blue Jays, Tufted Titmice, Red-Tailed Hawks, House Finches, Downy Woodpeckers, Black-Capped Chickadees, and many, many more!

This unit is the perfect combination of research, observation, and adventure, and is an engaging way to spend the fall. Thank you to Stephanie Retana, 5th Grade Science Teacher, for bringing your passion for birds into the classroom in such an experiential way!