Tracey and Steve

Started at Rodeph Sholom School in: Twos

Class year(s): 2033, 2030, and 2027

About our family: We met on a group trip to Israel in 2007 and moved to the Upper West Side in 2010. As we prepared to start a family, we joined Congregation Rodeph Sholom. When our eldest child was born in 2013 and we began to explore pre-schools, Rodeph Sholom School was an obvious choice to continue our growing family’s connection to the community and start on a new educational journey. That journey has continued with two more children, all joining the school in the Twos.

Favorite Rodeph Sholom School moment: Preschool pickup has always been a highlight of our days. It’s great to mingle with other Rodeph parents while waiting for the kids to be dismissed, and it’s so heartwarming when your child sees you after a few hours of separation and joyously rushes over to proudly tell you about the day’s events. Whether it be displaying the day’s art project, singing a new song, or telling you about the latest book, the ritual always brings a smile to our faces.