Mindy and Jason

Started at Rodeph Sholom School in: 4th Grade and 6th Grade

Class year(s): 2026 and 2022 (twins)

About our family: We each come from traditional Jewish families and have tried to instill similar values in our children, including keeping a kosher home, having Shabbat meals, and observing the major Jewish holidays. We love traveling and have schlepped our kids across the globe to experience new cultures. When possible, we try to visit local Jewish communities and have attended services in many different cities around the world including Jerusalem, Johannesburg, São Paulo. and Santiago. No matter where we are the prayers always sound the same, which makes us feel at home even though we are physically thousands of miles away. Our kids spend much of their free time participating in various team sports or trying desperately to break high scores in the video games they play with their friends. We love everything about living in NYC, from the parks to the entertainment to all the fascinating people that you meet on a daily basis. More than anything, we feel incredibly fortunate to have developed so many close friendships with the families of our kids’ friends and believe our kids are very lucky to have so many great role models in this community that they can look up to.

Favorite Rodeph Sholom School moment: For us it is not a particular moment but rather a feeling. We arrived right before the pandemic so initially opportunities to meet other parents and kids were very limited. But right from the beginning, from the conscientious way the school handled the shutdown to the way the other students quickly welcomed our boys as friends, we knew we had found the kind of close-knit community with similar values that we were looking for–we found another family. Our boys have since made lifelong friendships and continuing to see them thrive as members of the Rodeph Sholom community and beyond has been invaluable.