Todd Loyd

Started at Rodeph Sholom School in:


Began career in Education in:


Educational Background:

B.F.A. from The University of North Carolina School of the Arts & M.S. in early childhood & special education from Touro College, NY.

Favorite thing about Rodeph Sholom School:

The work itself at Rodeph Sholom School is intrinsically rewarding. Every day I learn something new from my students, particularly in the Early Childhood Division. The ECD is where it all begins! Having worked at the school for sixteen years, I now have the pleasure of teaching 8th grade students who I taught when they were in the Threes program. I think I cried the first time that happened! Some of my colleagues have become great friends over the years and push me to try new things and take on challenging opportunities.

Other things to know about me:

When not at work, you’ll find me either hosting my podcast, “Little Kids, Big Hearts,” seeing a show, discovering a new restaurant or researching my next trip abroad!