
Welcome to
Rodeph Sholom School

Message from the Head of School

I am so pleased that you are interested in Rodeph Sholom School. In the years that my family and I have had the privilege to be part of this special community, we have continued to deepen our appreciation for the particular blend of closely-knit community, powerful academic learning, and deeply held values that anchor this wonderful place for children to learn and grow.

I see an immense opportunity to harness the passionate engagement of the intelligent, thoughtful, and caring individuals – from two-year-olds to 30-year-plus faculty veterans – who make this place churn with positive energy to fulfill our commitment to develop each student’s love of learning and sense of responsibility to themselves and their community through meaningful experiences and intellectual exploration.

I am honored to lead this school in collaboration with a talented and committed leadership team and faculty and staff and I am proud to be a parent of two thriving Rodeph Sholom School-educated students. Whether you are just starting to learn about Rodeph Sholom School, are returning to check in on us, or are one of the hundreds of individuals who together keep the spirit of the school alive every day, I invite you to engage and be part of preparing tomorrow’s purpose-driven leaders to make the world a better place one action at a time.

Danny Karpf P’23 ‘26
Head of School

A Note From the Head of the Early Childhood Division

What a thrill it is to be part of a child’s first school experience!

Here in the Early Childhood Division, we have the unique opportunity to introduce students to the joy of discovery, the wonders of learning, and provide the formative experiences they will need to prepare for the academic rigor of the grades — all in the safe, nurturing, environment of Rodeph Sholom School.

From the time they enter our program until the time they finish Kindergarten, we witness their tremendous growth and are privileged to see their unique personalities unfold.

In the Twos and Threes, students learn how to move through a school day, how to develop positive and satisfying relationships with others, and how to function within a group. They are also exposed to a wide range of learning materials and have myriad opportunities to explore and discover the world around them.

In Pre-Kindergarten this learning continues but with a focus on building a strong foundation for developing literacy, math, and critical thinking skills with the guidance of experienced educators.

By Kindergarten, students are actively utilizing their newfound skills in reading, writing, and mathematical thinking, and are beginning to make sense of the larger world through their daily interactions. Kindergarten students also meet regularly with specialty teachers where they focus on music, art, literature, Hebrew, and physical education.

Working with young children is never dull and every day brings new adventures. The love of learning (Limmud) that we strive to instill in each student is reciprocated through the joy that young children bring to school each day and we are honored to be able to play a part in guiding them into the world of knowledge.


Suzie Newman
Head of the Early Childhood Division

A Note From the Head of the Elementary Division

In the Elementary Division, it is our great pleasure to work with students and families in a warm, nurturing, and safe community where students engage in challenging academics and supportive social experiences.

Our 1st – 4th Grade students enter our doors every day eager to learn, play, and contribute to their community. Elementary students at Rodeph Sholom School are able to grow in a secure, welcoming, and developmentally appropriate environment where they build confidence, competence, and self esteem. Our enthusiastic and highly trained teachers actively engage students in their own learning processes, and together they explore new ideas and expand their understanding of the world.

Rodeph Sholom School faculty pride themselves on meeting each student’s individual needs to help them acquire new skills, think critically, and deepen their learning. Our strong academic program offers a stimulating atmosphere where students are motivated to work with persistence, determination, and enthusiasm across all disciplines.

Students are provided meaningful foundations through Judaic Studies and Hebrew classes, which allow them to explore their personal identity, sense of self, and connect in various ways with Judaism. Through our co-curricular programs, including art, music, drama, technology, physical education, and sciences, students are provided opportunities to express themselves while discovering their passions and feeding their intellectual curiosity.

Social-emotional learning is at the heart of our program, as students are taught to recognize and manage emotions, solve problems, make good decisions, care about others, and interact respectfully and with kindness. Students develop close, positive relationships with each other and rely on these foundations as they grow and transition through their years at Rodeph Sholom School and beyond.

It is through the lens of our core values, Love of Learning, Community, and Responsibility that our Elementary students thrive. Children learn to think critically in order to make informed choices and flourish through understanding the value in taking part of something larger than themselves while understanding their responsibility to their community and others.

The spirit of our school community is palpable. The connections forged between students, families, and faculty create a unique and special place to grow up and learn. We welcome you to Rodeph Sholom School and look forward to partnering with your family as you and your child experience a Rodeph Sholom School education.


Rebecca Hammerman
Head of the Elementary Division

A Note From the Head of Middle School

Middle School years are defined by both the anticipation and reality of significant developmental change. Within the walls of Rodeph Sholom School, our students engage in a robust and rigorous curriculum designed to appeal to all stages of their intellectual, social, and emotional growth. Supported by a highly committed and talented faculty, the students receive ample personal attention to help them navigate a demanding schedule with high expectations while also supporting them through this remarkable period of life. Ultimately, our school environment fosters the development of self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-advocacy.

Inherent in our program you will find pragmatic philosophy that integrates the most well tested pedagogical wisdom with innovative practice. Our vibrant environment stimulates the imagination, motivates learning, and provides the tools and framework necessary for students to explore ideas and probe questions and theories thoroughly and thoughtfully. Our teachers present students with abundant opportunities that serve to ignite curiosity and generate questions and investigations that yield “Aha!” moments that are as joyful and satisfying as they are illuminating. Importantly, teachers provide ample, prompt, and critical feedback while supporting and championing growth and encouraging student voice and a positive sense of self. 

Jewish values and traditions are infused throughout our program, governing our understanding of how we conduct ourselves in the community while also keeping our eyes focused outward on tikun olam, repair of the world, and the call for our attention to issues of justice and equity.

One only has to observe the 8th Grade Graduation ceremony to understand what makes the Rodeph Sholom Middle School program so distinct. Each student, with poise and eloquence, stands before the community and speaks about their time at school and lessons learned. Embedded in these statements are expressions of joy and gratitude, rich and meaningful learning, and deep understanding of the complexity of the world they live in and the future they face. Our graduates go forth with confidence, capacity, and a strong sense of purpose. 

I hope you will visit and see for yourself this dynamic middle school and its comprehensive  program.

I am eager to welcome you.

Sally Meisner
Head of Middle School