Ambassador Tom Nides and Asaf Zamir, Consul General of Israel Tour School

Rodeph Sholom School had the great pleasure and honor of welcoming Asaf Zamir, Consul General of Israel in New York, and Tom Nides, U.S. Ambassador to Israel, yesterday. “What a powerful moment for our students to get to meet and be wished a ‘Shana Tova’ by these two distinguished leaders,” said Head of School Danny Karpf.

This was a particularly special day because it was the first time the two dignitaries were able to meet each other in person. The ambassadors were given a tour of the school by two 8th Grade student leaders. They asked the students questions, met with students from different grades, and even shot some hoops in the play yard. After the tour, they were guided to the gym where they were greeted by 4th through 8th Grade students, two of whom welcomed the visitors in both English and Hebrew. The ambassadors addressed the students with warmth and humor, providing insight into the importance of the state of Israel and the special relationship between Israel and America. Before they departed, they joined the students in a resounding “Shana Tova!” 

A distinguished public servant as well as a business leader, Tom Nides was the U.S. State Department’s Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources during President Barack Obama’s administration, and he was awarded the nation’s highest diplomatic honor, the Secretary of State’s Distinguished Service Award, in 2013 by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Throughout his municipal career, Consul General Zamir has promoted and implemented many programs, including those relating to affordable housing, public transportation, education equality, civil rights for minorities and the refugee community, as well as being an advocate for the LGBTQ community in Tel Aviv/Yafo. Learn more about the Office of the Consul General in New York on the Embassy website.

As a school committed to fostering a lifelong love of, and responsibility toward, the State of Israel and its people, and guiding students to develop their own connection with the land, people, and State of Israel as a key component of their personal Jewish identity, we were truly grateful for this unique opportunity for our students.

Enjoy this slideshow from the day graciously provided by N. Shavelson Photography: